Tea Market

Pu-erh Tea and Black Tea Wholesale

by Cspuerh (Chen Sheng Hao) - 4 months ago

Meng Hai Chen Sheng Tea Co., Ltd., founded in 2007 by Mr. Chen Shenghe, a tea master with over 50 years of experience, is dedicated to sharing the rich history and unique flavors of Chinese tea globally. Based in Yunnan province, the company sources high-quality tea leaves from sustainable tea gardens. It's a modern enterprise integrating Pu-erh tea cultivation, research, production, sales, and promotion of tea culture. The company adheres to a unique "pharmaceutical concept" for tea making and has achieved multiple certifications and awards, reflecting its commitment to quality and innovation in the Pu-erh tea industry. Chen Sheng Hao has expanded its presence internationally, including a dedicated platform for global tea enthusiasts.


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