An Independence Day Offer

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This week, both Pakistan and India are celebrating their independence day. And we have a special offer for our readers. As you know, Tea Journey is a subscription-based magazine. Readers can register and access 1 premium article and the newsletter for free every month. Paid subscribers access the full range of premium articles including the special issues and gift guides.

For our South Asia followers, we have a special offer this week, of 25% off on subscription. To avail this, all you have to do is use the coupon code TJ24OFFER at checkout.

Why subscribe?

Tea Journey brings stories from all the tea lands, written by writers living there and experiencing first hand the tea experiences that they write about. Some of our ongoing series like the Taster’s Profiles, Tea Discoveries, On a Chai Trail allow readers to experience facets of tea that are not commonly known. Every quarter we bring out a Gift Guide showcasing the latest tea accessories and teas. Our Special Issues highlight interesting topics with several evergreen stories.There’s books, destinations, travel, recipes and of course, new teas to try.

Signing off with a few of my favorite stories. Happy reading and happy Independence Day to all who celebrate!

Aravinda Anantharaman

Origin, Tea Tourism

Badaga food from the tea-growing Nilgiri mountains is distinctive from all other Indian tea-inspired cuisines. Tourists drawn to South India are fascinated by the stories of this indigenous tribe that…

Loose Leaf Tea

The Butsuryu-ji Temple grounds are a treasure trove of historic tea memorabilia that includes statues of the famous Japanese Buddhist monk Kukai and his disciple Kenne and artifacts so significant…

Loose Leaf Tea

Farmers and other locals run the five-hour tea-making workshop near Japan’s Yamazoe Village. Tea Journey contributor Greg Goodmacher attended to learn from teacher Kenichi Ikawa Sensei how to select, pan-fire,…


At age 6, on his way to school, Roy Fong would linger at a Hong Kong food stand where day laborers were making gongfu cha. Sometimes someone would offer him…

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