Holiday Tea Adventures

Nepal Tea Collective Immersive Tours
Nepal Tea Collective | Immersive Tea Tours

Nepal Tea Collective | Immersive Tea Tours

Nepal Tea Collective’s Immersive Tea Tours are about authentic connections. Beyond the picturesque tea gardens and aromatic brews, these tours bring tea lovers on a journey to the heart of Nepal’s rich culture, captivating landscapes, and the labor of its unsung heroes – the tea producers. Tours were halted during the pandemic, but in 2023, they came back in full swing with seven different trips welcoming more than 30 people from six different countries.

How to access the tour? 
Nepal Tea Collective has an open Calendly link for anyone interested
Costs: $3,300 for single occupancy per person | $2,900 for double occupancy per person.
This covers everything included in the tour except the international flights.
Good to know: Tours can be made senior and/or child-friendly – check with the team when you speak to them.




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